About Leka 365!

Leka is the Swedish word for Play. So Leka 365 is all about play. It´s about playfulness, everyday, all year around. Because I´m truly convinced that we as a species are meant to play. I see that we are happy when we play. That we enjoy see other play (and most of the times want to participate and try for ourselves). I see that we learn a lot when we play. And I see that we discover ourselves, that we really get to know ourselves, when we play.

Leka 365 is my celebration of play, playfulness and all the creativity people show in their play.

Leka 365 is also a way to promote play – i all it´s different shapes and forms. It could be in games, in theatres, in art, in sports or wherever, whenever people are. Alone, in pairs, groups or big crowds – play takes place in all sizes. No matter of age – toddlers, youths, grown ups and elderly – all play and have fun.

Of course I don´t only celebrate other people who play, I play a lot myself as well. And I also use play in lectures, workshops and sometimes as a tool to illustrate concepts as communication, trust, negotiations and both personal and organizational growth.

Some people say that we don´t stop play because we grow old, but we grow old because we stop playing. I don´t know about that, but I do know it´s a lot easier to feel young as long as you continue to play. And really, what is there to lose doing fun, stupid and crazy stuff that makes you and your peers laugh?

“The main difference between play and playfulness is that play is an activity, while playfulness is an attitude.”

Miguel Sicart

“Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.”

Tom Robbins

”You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”

Richard Lingardss

A few words about myself: amongst other I am a teacher, a certified coach, do a lot of improv, lead workshops in creativity, and just love the human brain! Having had the fortune to work as an educator and helping different workgroups to find more effective and fun ways to communicate, create and excelling for the last 20 years, the playful aspects of a workplace has now come to dominate what I do. And I love it! To have playfulness as natural part of work is possibly the coolest thing someone could wish for, and I am very grateful for having it. From here on, I´m going to continue to play the rest of my life. And support others to do the same!

Welcome to a playful world!